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This is the new Torch Media Ministry logo that I finished yesterday! I have been working on a design for over a year but finally came up with something I really love! About time, huh?

To my volunteers....shirts are coming soon!


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The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. - 1 John 2:4

WOW, that passage in scripture just jumps up and slaps you in the face! You are required to obey Him and if you love Him, do as he commands or you are liar. Gives new meaning to "liar liar pants on fire!"

Important Media Ministry Tips.

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1. I keep several notebooks. One that is full of sermon ideas, create sermon titles, sketches for marketing designs (including t-shirt ideas and sketches for set designs) and one that is full of conference notes.
I carry a small notebook in my pocketbook because God sends me ideas at the strangest times (I saw a funny bumper sticker that will be a developed sermon idea one day).

2. There is no such thing as too smart! I thrive on seeing a commercial on television and trying to figure out how it was edited and how many layers it would take to create it. I subscribe to a lot of trade publications and, as strange as it sounds, I am a manual reader (even if it has 500 pages).

3. My biggest pet peeve, when it comes to media, is the concept of "use it, if you have it". The best way to kill the mood of a worship service is to swirl lights like a disco and have all 30 lights flashing at the same time...just because we have them...using hearts, stars or sheep falling from the sky editing transitions..just because we have them. Yes, I found out we had the sheep falling transition when I accidentally hit it in our main 11am service (plus it has a baaa sound effect).

More to come...

Memorial Day 08

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I've always said that the people in the sanctuary have no clue when things go crazy behind the scenes. Today was a perfect example of mass chaos. 1st service was a media director's nightmare. Timing was off, cues were missed, mics were too low, lighting hot spots on the platform, out of focus shots and way too many chiefs running the production elements. Today was my "sit with my husband day" in the main sanctuary; however, I caught myself getting up and on the headset every 3-5 minutes.
2nd service ran a little smoother (I think we worked most of the kinks out 1st service) but still not great! We revealed a great new stage design this morning (thanks Eric) creating a dramatic and different look to the platform. I look forward to the holiday off work tomorrow to spend with my family.

What a LONG day!

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Yesterday had to be the longest work day ever. The Torch hosted one of our local school's honors day. It's not like a typical honors day that I had growing up...seems now that everyone has to be included. The awards are crazy. When I was in school, perfect attendance was given to the student who had NEVER missed a day of school. Now they give 1 year, 2 years, 3 years...and on and on and on. They even had a speaker stand up and give out an award for being "a good helper". WHAT? Strange.

After two honor's day programs in the morning...we had to host a band concert that evening. I think that would be the hardest job on the planet to have to teach a beginning band class... I leave here sometimes with a splitting headache. Let us pray for all band directors!

Did anyone see the video announcements Sunday and notice what was written on the board behind everyone. Too funny! Here is a pic...

My belly hurts from laughing!

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This has to be my favorite YouTube video of all time! It makes me laugh everytime I watch it...the little one is too cute!

How fast time is going by!

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She Stands! Of course my 5 year old was the first one to see her stand on her own yesterday and mommy missed it...but I got the second stand captured on film.

Don't comment on this pic, I know her pants are way too long. :)

Georgia girl...

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As a Georgia girl, born and raised, grits are a staple food at my house. Don't judge until you try them...they are best with a piece of cheese and lots of butter! I had shrimp and grits for the first time this weekend and they were AWESOME!
No, my blog will not totally be centered around food but will have the 3 main staple things in my life "God, Family and Grits".


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@Tue 24 Feb, 2009 20:16Green Banner: 24 February, 2009Green Banner Vector Graphic

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