Memorial Day 08

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I've always said that the people in the sanctuary have no clue when things go crazy behind the scenes. Today was a perfect example of mass chaos. 1st service was a media director's nightmare. Timing was off, cues were missed, mics were too low, lighting hot spots on the platform, out of focus shots and way too many chiefs running the production elements. Today was my "sit with my husband day" in the main sanctuary; however, I caught myself getting up and on the headset every 3-5 minutes.
2nd service ran a little smoother (I think we worked most of the kinks out 1st service) but still not great! We revealed a great new stage design this morning (thanks Eric) creating a dramatic and different look to the platform. I look forward to the holiday off work tomorrow to spend with my family.


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@Tue 24 Feb, 2009 20:16Green Banner: 24 February, 2009Green Banner Vector Graphic

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