Pre-Service Slides

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Part of my job (a very small part) is to make pre-service slides for Sunday. The problem is that they are way down on my list of priorities for the week and normally don't get done in time. One of the things that I have restructured in my weekly plan is to make sure and keep the announcements up to date. Due to the short work week for me, I had to make 12 slides today. Now, if you are creative at all you will know that designing 12 of anything is hard to do in a week, much less one day. I was burning up Photoshop today! :)

Here are a couple that I was asked to make today...

1. "Please visit restrooms before service begins." Now, you know who you are...getting up several times during service to go to the potty. If I had my way, I would have the doors lock on your way out so you don't disrupt service on your way back in. You have to feel 500+ eyes burning a hole through you on your way back in. I am in the media room directing the television broadcast and see you creep back into my camera shot...I normally yell "sit down!" :)

2. "Please silence cell phones before service." Pastor Mike called someone out last week for a cell phone ringing and it was awesome. He said "tell them I am a little busy right now and will have to call them back."

3. "Nursery Available." Now this is the most sensitive issue at church. We, at The Torch, have the best and most loving nursery staff ever! They truly care about our kids (my baby has been in the pod since she was an infant...for both services). As a parent, just upfront, I love kids....BUT NOTHING is more distracting to those in the sanctuary than a baby crying or a toddler screaming for his/her crayons. I would hate to know that it was my Breelyn who kept the people around me from hearing a word from God.


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@Tue 24 Feb, 2009 20:16Green Banner: 24 February, 2009Green Banner Vector Graphic

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